Monday, July 12, 2010

54. Missing out...

As most of you already know, the other night was the UVSA formal! (refer to post below) LOL. It was a TON of fun! Reminded me so much of high school semi/prom but that's besides the point. It was definitely good to see some old faces and also new ones! I wonder why I was never a part of these things in the first place, the viet organizations in Toronto are quite big so there's always events *looks into it* Haha. If you guys are interested photos are on my facebook here: click! Everyone looked absolutely beautiful that night by the way :) ♥
On a more serious note, I just want to address the fact that it might be summer but I know a lot of people are struggling with something, an issue, an emotion or uncertainty (a frequent issue of mine). I know I'll sound pretty generic when I say things like: "don't worry about it" or "make the best out of things". But trust me, I mean it. Cause life is short, time doesn't wait for anyone it just passes by. Make use of it - or try to. This weather won't be around for long. I remember a few years back I wished I was old enough to drink, old enough to sign my own papers, old enough to go to casinos in the states, old enough to drive and everything else that comes with age. Right about now I kind of wished I wasn't 21. It's like I know that responsibilities are going to come crashing in, expectations and all that other crap. You know what though? That's life. It happens. So maybe it's just me being paranoid or whatever but I hope it won't bother me too much, cause I'm still a kid at heart in some ways. Although I or other people might not be stressed about the same issues but everyone is fighting their own battle. My point is, with that having been said I hope that everyone cherishes what they have at the moment because tomorrow it might not be there anymore. Yes, make the best of things, smile more whenever you can; from the heart. ♥ Enjoy life to the fullest, rules were meant to be broken, a risk isn't a risk until you take it, defy the norm (or gravity), reach for the stars cause the sky is not the limit. I also want to take this opportunity to say that I appreciate everyone that's still here for me, it really means a lot and no matter what I'll always be there for you too. And to the new friends that I've made - believe me - I'm grateful to have met you all and hope to see you around more often ;) /rant
I'll post some pictures from Night Market up soon (do a little critiquing)! ;)
&& Ottawa in 3 days! I'm uber excited! =D

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