The most dreadful word during the first week of school, why? The reason for this is because of the uber long line ups. I was in line for the first part for half an hour, the other half was spent waiting for the form to be filled out with banking info (that only takes 2 mins)! I guess this is the work they make you go through in return to giving you $13K, or me in this case. Hah! Shortly after that I passed by the cannon where they were giving out free orange sherbet/vanilla ice cream... sounds yummy right? No. It was disgusting, one lick and I threw that crap away.
Anyway, today was a nice day so campus was full of interesting things. Koodo was promoting along with credit card companies giving out freebies and of course the awesome free agendas. Haven't seen this many people on campus all at once in so long. funfunfun. Along with everything else, I had my first lecture today. The course is Human Resource Management with a cute Indian prof who's 5 months preggers. She makes the course look fun, lets hope it is :)
Busy busy campus & students.
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