2009. It was an eventful year. Too bad it's over now.
HELLO 2010! You shall be a year that is filled with fun and awesomeness! I hope that this year things will finally turn around and work out for the best.
Guess we'll see huh? It's only another... 4 hours away! :D hooray.
Love you all! Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
20. boys boys boys
Boys, they never know what they want. I use the term "boys" because they're not yet mature enough to be a man.
Honestly, I think you're old enough to know what you want and what your priorities are. I've come across the same problem again. Like they say: "same shit, different day". It's rather annoying to have to deal with this crap. My advice to you? Figure out what you want, what you feel and where you want to go.
Honestly, I think you're old enough to know what you want and what your priorities are. I've come across the same problem again. Like they say: "same shit, different day". It's rather annoying to have to deal with this crap. My advice to you? Figure out what you want, what you feel and where you want to go.
Monday, December 28, 2009
17. is your life going where you want it to go?
Title has nothing to do with the entry, just a random thought. Feel free to leave a comment to answer it :)
Christmas break has been very interesting. A lot has been happening lately, and maybe once I feel like I should slow down. I never refuse/turn down an opportunity to do something, to go somewhere, to be with whoever. These last few days have changed me in a sense that maybe I should just accept who I am and move on with it. I like doing crazy shit, and I won't let anyone stop me (unless well... you know that it's dangerous etc.) haha. Getting my marks back this semester was a highlight of the holidays! I was so proud of myself and my accomplishments. I know I worked hard and I'm happy it paid off :)
On another note, there's only less than 2 weeks left til school starts again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this semester will end with a BANG! I'm going to work twice as hard and party twice as harder ;) Lmao. Oh me. I hope everyone's also enjoying their time with friends and family, enjoy it while you can! :)
Love, Tiff. xo
Christmas break has been very interesting. A lot has been happening lately, and maybe once I feel like I should slow down. I never refuse/turn down an opportunity to do something, to go somewhere, to be with whoever. These last few days have changed me in a sense that maybe I should just accept who I am and move on with it. I like doing crazy shit, and I won't let anyone stop me (unless well... you know that it's dangerous etc.) haha. Getting my marks back this semester was a highlight of the holidays! I was so proud of myself and my accomplishments. I know I worked hard and I'm happy it paid off :)
On another note, there's only less than 2 weeks left til school starts again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this semester will end with a BANG! I'm going to work twice as hard and party twice as harder ;) Lmao. Oh me. I hope everyone's also enjoying their time with friends and family, enjoy it while you can! :)
Love, Tiff. xo
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
16. I like to cook!
15. it's starting to look a lot like christmas!
"The Proposal" w/ Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds
This movie was so close to home. I cried so much in most scenes near the beginning. Oh so emotional me. I gotta say even though this was a predictable movie, I thought it was amazing and the comedy & chemistry of the two is awesome! Really see this for yourself :)
Today was rather eventful, Victor & I went grocery shopping for dinner this week and we're having steak tomorrow night. As for tonight's dinner we cooked up a yummy salmon fillet with some spinach for veggies, I love cooking! :)
Lately I've been thinking about the various things I can write about in my blog, cause I honestly have a lot to say. But every time I start writing I lose that feeling, that need to let out. Weird. On the plus side of things, I'm looking forward to Christmas break and along with the many events to come! Especially receiving my gift from HL, an awesome Pink Blackberry Bold that is personalized! With swarowski crystals with my name on it =D! So awesome!
Can't wait to spend time with family! (: I really miss all my friends too, I hope I get to see everyone soon! Almost over! 1 exam to go! ^_^"
Saturday, December 12, 2009
14. just 2 more to go
Exams! They stress me out so much. Anxiety ruins my life :(
Tomorrow is the ECON1100 exam @ 8:30am, and I'm not sleeping!
But, the thing I get to look forward to is my dinner party.
Wish everybody good luck too!
Tomorrow is the ECON1100 exam @ 8:30am, and I'm not sleeping!
But, the thing I get to look forward to is my dinner party.
Wish everybody good luck too!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
13. snow !
It snowed today! Not only that, it was also freezing as hell and when I left the house to run to the Mall and grab Victor's present, I slipped on ice and fell on both knees and scraped them! *OW* That was unpleasant. Grrr.
Last night Kevin & Nic came over for pizza and wings while we watched Red, White & Brown. It was my first time watching it and boy was it hilarious! Love Russell Peters :D that led to us watching some MadTv with "Bon Qui Qui" LOL. fun times!
Anyways, gotta get back to studying for this HRM final tomorrow. Most likely pulling an all nighter to cram in all the chapters. Wish me luck! :) Then wings w/ Peter afterwards at Bobbys!
Last night Kevin & Nic came over for pizza and wings while we watched Red, White & Brown. It was my first time watching it and boy was it hilarious! Love Russell Peters :D that led to us watching some MadTv with "Bon Qui Qui" LOL. fun times!
Anyways, gotta get back to studying for this HRM final tomorrow. Most likely pulling an all nighter to cram in all the chapters. Wish me luck! :) Then wings w/ Peter afterwards at Bobbys!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
12. oh boy you've left me speechless...so speechless.
It's exam time. Fun. Real fun.
Lately I've been feeling so sarcastically bitter. Like, wth?
I don't know. It's something that's been going on in my head.
I really don't want to think about it all. But it's inevitable.
It's like Lady Gaga's song: "Boy, you've left me speechless"
So there's like nothing I can really say. *sigh*
Finals are as follows:
Tues 8th; HRM
Sat 12th; ECON
Thur 17th; MRKT II
Still in the process of writing xmas cards + getting gifts :)
Look forward to something from me~
Consider yourself lucky ;) lol <3
Yesterday: Went to a conference @ the Hilton Hotel in Markham w/ Eric & Rachael. Winalite presentation and I signed on as a starting member. Got Eric to do a quick demo in front of the fam, and some seem enthusiastic others not so much. Hopefully this side project won't turn into a flop =) After that got a ride back to Guelph where I met up with Nick, Kevin, Rhonda & Lien for sushi @ Hockey. Also met Sally and her housemates there too. Had a good dinner! Following that was some poker with the guys & girls ;) won back 3/4 of my dinner!
Lately I've been feeling so sarcastically bitter. Like, wth?
I don't know. It's something that's been going on in my head.
I really don't want to think about it all. But it's inevitable.
It's like Lady Gaga's song: "Boy, you've left me speechless"
So there's like nothing I can really say. *sigh*
Finals are as follows:
Tues 8th; HRM
Sat 12th; ECON
Thur 17th; MRKT II
Still in the process of writing xmas cards + getting gifts :)
Look forward to something from me~
Consider yourself lucky ;) lol <3
Yesterday: Went to a conference @ the Hilton Hotel in Markham w/ Eric & Rachael. Winalite presentation and I signed on as a starting member. Got Eric to do a quick demo in front of the fam, and some seem enthusiastic others not so much. Hopefully this side project won't turn into a flop =) After that got a ride back to Guelph where I met up with Nick, Kevin, Rhonda & Lien for sushi @ Hockey. Also met Sally and her housemates there too. Had a good dinner! Following that was some poker with the guys & girls ;) won back 3/4 of my dinner!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
11. xmas wishlist :) <3
♥ Winnie the Pooh!
♥ 16G iPhone 3GS =))
♥ iPod Shuffle - Green 2GB . $59
♥ T&Co. #1
♥ T&Co. #2
♥ UGGS - Classic Short Chestnut color. Size 7
♥ Coach: MADISON OP ART SATEEN WRISTLET $48. [silver/black]
♥ TNA: pack of socks $12.
♥ Chuck Taylor All Star Classic Low Rise Size 7. [black]
♥ CK one perfume
♥ AERIE boybriefs size M. *just get me a gift card ;)
♥ M.A.C. foundation NC25 $31.
♥ MONOKURO BOO plush, big. please. :)
♥ Trip to Niagara Falls... Fallsview Casino !
♥ Shopping Spree @ One's Better Living... LMAO :P
♥ Forever XXI. gift card.
... will update later.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
o9. It's October already... where has the time gone?
I haven't been blogging lately (sorry to m'dear readers!) but it's due to various reasons:
- school
- partying
- being sick
- sleep? LOL
Of course a lot has happened within these last few weeks, things change everyday, and life moves on at a faster rate than you'd imagine. Midterms are already approaching and before you know it the semester's over. *Depressing shit huh? I'll stop here. Haha.
___ will continue updating later ___
- school
- partying
- being sick
- sleep? LOL
Of course a lot has happened within these last few weeks, things change everyday, and life moves on at a faster rate than you'd imagine. Midterms are already approaching and before you know it the semester's over. *Depressing shit huh? I'll stop here. Haha.
___ will continue updating later ___
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Howard: Sheldon, you remember the first few weeks we were looking for magnetic monopoles and not finding anything, and you were acting like an obnoxious, giant DICTator?
Raj: I thought we were going to be gentle with him.
Howard: That’s why I added the ‘-tator.’
Hahaha, clever.---
olive juice? ;)
Monday, September 21, 2009
o6. With work comes play
This weekend has been eventful. I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. I guess the reason for this is because throughout the last 3 years I've grown with everything I've learned and had to deal with. Maybe that's why things ended on a civil note. I can confidently say that I've matured over this time.
To re-cap the happenings of this weekend, I'm going to start with Friday afternoon: Wine tasting lab was fun yet again, this time I agreed to 'drink' it instead of dumping it. Shortly after I met up with friends to head downtown to Palace where most the night took place, good times :)
The partying didn't stop there, Saturday afternoon my friend came to pick me and 3 other people from Guelph and drove to Waterloo for hot pot dinner then a house party. Met some interesting people along with seeing old faces. I knew that a friend of mine was also having a party (who happened to be across from my friend's apartment) so out of courtesy I went over to say 'hi'. Little did I know that the girl who I got into a lot of verbal fights with -from back in first year- was hosting her birthday party there. My friend suggested that I'd leave because it would look like my initial intentions were to cause trouble, or, as the guys kept rumouring "there to fight her". Thus, I left and went back to our party. Then the night gets interesting. Why? Because birthday girl who was drunk decides that she couldn't stay calm and wanted to come over and start a fight (due to the false rumours that were being spreaded). One of her friends managed to calm her down so I could talk to her without any physical threats. After 3 years of not bringing any of this beef up, we finally put it to a rest. I gave her the closure she wanted, we agreed by shaking hands and leave it at being strangers. While we were trying to figure out our own shit, I heard that some boys were disappointed that a fight didn't break out, so they took a joke to another level. Very immature. Boys LOVE to see a cat fight, they want to see bras being ripped off, hair being pulled and faces being scratched. Sorry boys, you're not getting that pleasure.
Overall, it was an eventful weekend, that little issue hardly put a dent in my night. I know that there are so many people out there that are worth my time, so these things shouldn't effect me in the slightest bit. I want to thank everyone who stuck around with me, to make sure I knew what I was doing (the right things) and to those who didn't take sides. <3
Sunday ended off with a sushi lunch, coming home to a little puppy who my dad offered to give us (she's a cutie) and finishing my econ lab quiz. Good times. Hopefully this week will be better :)
To re-cap the happenings of this weekend, I'm going to start with Friday afternoon: Wine tasting lab was fun yet again, this time I agreed to 'drink' it instead of dumping it. Shortly after I met up with friends to head downtown to Palace where most the night took place, good times :)
The partying didn't stop there, Saturday afternoon my friend came to pick me and 3 other people from Guelph and drove to Waterloo for hot pot dinner then a house party. Met some interesting people along with seeing old faces. I knew that a friend of mine was also having a party (who happened to be across from my friend's apartment) so out of courtesy I went over to say 'hi'. Little did I know that the girl who I got into a lot of verbal fights with -from back in first year- was hosting her birthday party there. My friend suggested that I'd leave because it would look like my initial intentions were to cause trouble, or, as the guys kept rumouring "there to fight her". Thus, I left and went back to our party. Then the night gets interesting. Why? Because birthday girl who was drunk decides that she couldn't stay calm and wanted to come over and start a fight (due to the false rumours that were being spreaded). One of her friends managed to calm her down so I could talk to her without any physical threats. After 3 years of not bringing any of this beef up, we finally put it to a rest. I gave her the closure she wanted, we agreed by shaking hands and leave it at being strangers. While we were trying to figure out our own shit, I heard that some boys were disappointed that a fight didn't break out, so they took a joke to another level. Very immature. Boys LOVE to see a cat fight, they want to see bras being ripped off, hair being pulled and faces being scratched. Sorry boys, you're not getting that pleasure.
Overall, it was an eventful weekend, that little issue hardly put a dent in my night. I know that there are so many people out there that are worth my time, so these things shouldn't effect me in the slightest bit. I want to thank everyone who stuck around with me, to make sure I knew what I was doing (the right things) and to those who didn't take sides. <3
Sunday ended off with a sushi lunch, coming home to a little puppy who my dad offered to give us (she's a cutie) and finishing my econ lab quiz. Good times. Hopefully this week will be better :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
o3. The year of 9's.
As I'm waiting for my episode of True Blood to load I thought I might as well update to re-cap the weekend :)
This weekend I went back home to Toronto for a few events. Saturday: I met up with a friend downtown for Dim Sum (oh how I miss you so!) followed by some shopping @ the Eaton Centre. Instead of going to the TIFF and seeing Jennifer's Body, we saw '9' which I bet was equally enjoyable. For those who aren't sure what the movie 9 is about, the plot is based on a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is destroyed and the only things left on earth are doll-like characters whose existence is to fight against the evil machines who destroyed the world. It sounds like any other movie but this one is especially cute and the animation is amazing! I recommend it being watched in theaters :)
Later at night, I joined my sister and some friends for dinner @ Chako (again, yes I know). The occasion was to celebrate her 19th birthday -091409- where I had to give
her an age appropriate gift; two bottles of alchy and a birthday card telling her to fully live the life of a true university student (aren't I the most awesome-est sister ever? Hah!) It was an interesting and fun night, although it didn't end until around 4am when someone finally lost in poker and I got to go home and sleep!!! :P
Sunday: family day. My morning was dedicated to sleeping in... never really happened, sooo... I just proceeded to pack up my things before heading over to my uncle's place. As usual they stuffed us with chinese food and the likes before dropping me off in Guelph.
That pretty much sums up my weekend, didn't sound too exciting but I had a good time :) this week is going to be quite chill, got some stuff to look forward to. I should probably head to bed soon since morning classes are always my weakness! I leave you with a rant of the mtv vma. Toodles!~
As some of you know, today was the MTV VMAS 2009. I remember back in the day when I was always hyped to see these award shows on TV and see what my favourite celebs were up to. Now because we don't have cable here I had to result to internet streaming, but honestly, who needs that when you have Twitter and Facebook? People are constantly updating live feeds and tweets to the point where whatever the story was, you'd get the 411 on it ASAP. And what do you do when you hear crazy shit go down? You YouTube it! Which is exactly what I did. My thoughts? Kanye is a f*****g idiot! I have no respect for him for what he did to Taylor Swift. I'm ashamed I listened to his music. That was no way to convey himself.
*** Don't forget to leave a comment or a 'hello!' just so I know you've read my blog! <3***

Sunday: family day. My morning was dedicated to sleeping in... never really happened, sooo... I just proceeded to pack up my things before heading over to my uncle's place. As usual they stuffed us with chinese food and the likes before dropping me off in Guelph.
As some of you know, today was the MTV VMAS 2009. I remember back in the day when I was always hyped to see these award shows on TV and see what my favourite celebs were up to. Now because we don't have cable here I had to result to internet streaming, but honestly, who needs that when you have Twitter and Facebook? People are constantly updating live feeds and tweets to the point where whatever the story was, you'd get the 411 on it ASAP. And what do you do when you hear crazy shit go down? You YouTube it! Which is exactly what I did. My thoughts? Kanye is a f*****g idiot! I have no respect for him for what he did to Taylor Swift. I'm ashamed I listened to his music. That was no way to convey himself.
*** Don't forget to leave a comment or a 'hello!' just so I know you've read my blog! <3***
Thursday, September 10, 2009
o2. First day of Classes
One word, two syllables, (can you guess what it is?) O-SAP.
The most dreadful word during the first week of school, why? The reason for this is because of the uber long line ups. I was in line for the first part for half an hour, the other half was spent waiting for the form to be filled out with banking info (that only takes 2 mins)! I guess this is the work they make you go through in return to giving you $13K, or me in this case. Hah! Shortly after that I passed by the cannon where they were giving out free orange sherbet/vanilla ice cream... sounds yummy right? No. It was disgusting, one lick and I threw that crap away.
Anyway, today was a nice day so campus was full of interesting things. Koodo was promoting along with credit card companies giving out freebies and of course the awesome free agendas. Haven't seen this many people on campus all at once in so long. funfunfun. Along with everything else, I had my first lecture today. The course is Human Resource Management with a cute Indian prof who's 5 months preggers. She makes the course look fun, lets hope it is :)
Busy busy campus & students.

The most dreadful word during the first week of school, why? The reason for this is because of the uber long line ups. I was in line for the first part for half an hour, the other half was spent waiting for the form to be filled out with banking info (that only takes 2 mins)! I guess this is the work they make you go through in return to giving you $13K, or me in this case. Hah! Shortly after that I passed by the cannon where they were giving out free orange sherbet/vanilla ice cream... sounds yummy right? No. It was disgusting, one lick and I threw that crap away.
Anyway, today was a nice day so campus was full of interesting things. Koodo was promoting along with credit card companies giving out freebies and of course the awesome free agendas. Haven't seen this many people on campus all at once in so long. funfunfun. Along with everything else, I had my first lecture today. The course is Human Resource Management with a cute Indian prof who's 5 months preggers. She makes the course look fun, lets hope it is :)
Busy busy campus & students.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
o1. the start of something new.
[ 09.09.09 ] First post on a new and fresh blog. I'll be posting a lot about random things, either about school - friends - life - unfortunates - food - or just about anything! Will try to include photos and videos if I can. Hope you guys stick around and read my randomness :) Feel free to leave comments and suggestions.
Much love,
Tiffany <3
Much love,
Tiffany <3
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