
I met up with my dad today. Probably won't see him until after 2 months cause he's leaving for Vietnam tomorrow and I'll be attending my cousin's high school grad! Anyways, my dad brought out some OLD SCHOOL photos of my sister and I that he keeps around. It's funny because this is a side of my dad I never knew... it's like he secretly misses us. Wow... how interesting. Also, the fact that he STILL gloats about how my sister and I are in univ... bah. Back to my point, here are some photos from when I was (who knows how old, only my mom could tell) LOL. Don't laugh!
Me... and this shiny dress I used to have... yeah I did some weird cheek thing :P
This one's a bit embarrassing but I love how cute we both were! haha @ my sis (left)
My mom liked dressing us in sailor clothes... I wonder why. Haha ♥
There you have it. Embarrassing childhood photos. There's plenty more somewhere - my mom packed it all away in boxes :P lol
Recently I've figured that I need a new bag... I dunno if I want like a swingpack or like hand bag. I'm one of those people that feel like it's necessary to carry EVERYTHING. LOL. The usual: camera, cell phone, wallet/wristlet, mirror, hand cream, lip balm, random pens and paper, gum and whatnot so sometimes my bag is a huge mess T_T" Should probably find a bag that's like SMALL so I don't LOAD it. AHAHAHA XD
I can't believe that it's July already. Seriously. What the hell happened to June? It felt so short and pointless... kind of. Time flies. It really does. It's pretty depressing. A few things are coming up this month and I do quite look forward to them. I'm volunteering at this Vietnamese Association BBQ thing at this park near my house on the 4th, so that shall be interesting. Definitely will be seeing familiar faces from the VSAs and people I know. On the plus side: FREE FOOD! =) Then the following weekend is the VSA Joint Formal... hmmmm, what to wear? =P
Anddd that's probably all I can think of to write atm. I SHOULD really sleep early tonight *sigh* fix this damn sleeping pattern.
OH and PORTUGAL vs. SPAIN TODAY!!! I made a bet with Bradley... bj ftw! Oh you know what I'm referring too ;] bahahaha